Origin of our gallery..
All our life we were interested in art. This was mainly expressed by visiting museums, expositions and reading artbooks. Also during
a diplomatic mission in Moscow (1995 -1998) we visited many museums and exhibitions. We were fascinated by the special Russian
touch of contemporary art and the high level of professionalism. Soon we started to build our own private collection. Many artsists
became good friends. Some of them begged us vigorously to promote their works in Western Europe. For one of us, going back to
Holland coincided with going on pension, which gave us the unique opportunity to start our gallery in January, 1999.Since the
beginning we collected mainly works which represent a Russian interpretation of magic realism, symbolism and surrealism, in
Russia usually called methaphysic art.Since 1999 we represent more then the above mentioned styles, but you will look in